About us
Friends at
Dog Water

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this here

Hundley - Human Resources

Using his execlent time managment skills Hundley has had great success with planning out the days of his co-workers. Hundley's passion is helping his team to achieve their goals, both personally and profesionaly. Hundley enjoys eating chicken and walking on the beach. He moved to the United States from Germany at the age of 12 with his mom.

Bernard Bear - Manager

A hard working Irish Bear who used his success in the Food Industry to quickly rise to the Manager role. Bernard pursued his corporate career by starting off in management with no qualifications whatsoever. The intention was always to utilize commission earnings to study and earn qualifications while accumulating experience. He enjoys eating potatos and hiking in his free time. He moved to the US at the age of 18 from Ireland after farming potatos for the first 16 year of his life to get a degree in Buisness Management.

Kona Kluck - Sales Department

As a Sales and Advertising major in college and living with a pair of Sale Managers, Kona has excelled in the art of bringing in customers. With a long track record in building large, complex sales functions. Building and leading successful sales teams over sustained periods irrespective of market conditions, Kona has truly earned the title of Sales Professional. While earning her qualifications, Kona developed a passion for sales and moved into senior leadership roles at global companies such as Naughty Bear Enterprises, Elfco, and Fuzzy Whiskers Cat Toys. She enjoys reading Sci-fi and eating corn chips. She moved to the US from Hawaii.

Atka Fairbanks - Acounting

After winning the In-head National Math Competition Atka found that he liked math and then went to college and got his degree in Acounting and now works with all the company's financies. He moved here from Alaska at a very young age and enjoys looking at Willow trees. He has also memorized the first 100 digits of Pi, 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679.